Announcing our Q3 Community Grant recipients and $27,000 in donations!


For the team at Central Animal Hospital (Kamloops, BC), the Community Grants program is not only a way to support a local charity, Four Paws Food Bank with a donation. It’s also an opportunity to raise awareness about the important programs this incredible organization is providing to community members in need.

Client Care Representative (CCR) Hailey, who submitted the application on behalf of the team, shares that the clinic often supports Four Paws Food Bank’s spay/neuter program. The charity’s mission: operating a pet food bank and providing necessary veterinary care, for the pets of individuals who are homeless or in financial need. Four Paws also works with a local women’s shelter, supporting those fleeing a domestic violence situation in cases where community members don’t qualify for supported housing because their pets are not spayed/neutered.

How will the $1,500 Community Grant from Central Animal Hospital make a difference?

“We are so grateful to receive this support from Central Animal Hospital. Not only will these funds help us continue in our mission to provide spay and neuter sponsorships in our community, this act of support is also wind in our sails, and warmth in our hearts. It means a lot to have this kind of partnership.” – Nikki Lussier, Chair, Four Paws Food Bank Foundation

Congratulating all our Q3 Community Grant recipients!

  • Barriefield Animal Hospital (Kingston, ON) – Community Veterinary Outreach ($750) and Kingston 4 Paws Service Dogs ($750)
  • Central Animal Hospital (Kamloops, BC) – Four Paws Food Bank Foundation ($1,500)
  • Clinique vétérinaire Anima-Plus Neufchâtel (Québec City, QC) – Maison Lémerveil Suzanne Vachon et Laura Lémerveil ($1,500)
  • Clinique vétérinaire Douville (Saint-Hyacinthe, QC) – Québec Breast Cancer Foundation ($1,500)
  • Clinique Vétérinaire les Jardins de Napierville (Napierville, QC) – Canadian Cancer Society ($1,500)
  • Clinique vétérinaire Lévis (Globalvet) (Saint-Romuald, QC) – Canadian Mental Health Association – Québec Division ($500), Maison du cœur pour femmes ($500), Fondation Charles-Bruneau ($500)
  • Clinique vétérinaire Ste-Marie (Vetcom) (Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC) – Moisson Beauce ($750) and Maison de la Famille Nouvelle-Beauce et Centre de pédiatrie sociale en communauté ($750)
  • Davisville Park Animal Hospital (Toronto, ON) – The 519 ($1,500)
  • Delton Veterinary Hospital (Edmonton, AB) – Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society ($1,500)
  • Fraser Valley Animal Hospital (Abbottsford, BC) – Senior Animals In Need Today Society ($1,500)
  • Halifax Veterinary Hospital (Halifax, NS) – Community Veterinary Outreach ($1,500)
  • Kingston Veterinary Clinic (Kingston, ON) – The Inclusive Play Project ($1,500)
  • Hôpital vétérinaire Cœur de Lotbinière (Vetcom) (Laurier-Station, QC) – Club Holstein Lotbinière ($1,500)
  • Hôpital vétérinaire du Haut-Richelieu (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC) – Les Aristopattes ($500), Chiots Nordiques ($500) and Un chat à la fois ($500)
  • Hôpital vétérinaire Rive-Nord (Trois-Rivières, QC) – Leucan Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec ($1,500)
  • Hôpital vétérinaire Vieux Village (Sherbrooke, QC) – Les Aristopattes ($600), Le Refuge Lobadanaki ($600), École primaire du Solstice ($300)
  • Rimbey Veterinary Clinic (Rimbey, AB) – Courageous Companions ($1,500)
  • Sunrise Animal Hospital (Mount Pearl, NL) – Canadian Cancer Society ($1,500)

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